Публикации сотрудников: Тельнов Д.С.
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Год публикации: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006 2005 2004 2003 |
Chang H. Son, Susan Snyder, Amy Caldwell, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Evgueni M. Smirnov, Denis S. Telnov Numerical Assessment for Increasing the ISS Cabin Stowage Capability by Reducing the Keep-Out-Zone Requirements / In: Proc. of the 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 21-25, 2024, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. 2024. 13 p. (скачать)
Иванов Н.Г., Тельнов Д.С., Засимова М.А. Численное исследование влияния нестационарности воздушного потока на эффективность вентиляции тестового помещения / XL сибирский теплофизический семинар. Сборник тезисов докладов. Новосибирск, 20 – 23 августа 2024 г. с.305.
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Evgueni M. Smirnov, Denis S. TelnovNumerical Study of Carbon Dioxide Transport Problem for the Open and Lower Airflow Space in the ISS Module / In: Proc. of the 52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 16-20, 2023, Calgary, Canada. 2023. 11 p. (скачать)
Chang H. Son, Susan Snyder, Amy Caldwell, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Evgueni M. Smirnov, Denis S. TelnovNumerical Validation of ISS Columbus Crew Alternative Sleeping Area Ventilation with an Improved Configuration / In: Proc. of the 52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 16-20, 2023, Calgary, Canada. 2023. 11 p. (скачать)
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Evgueni M. Smirnov, Denis S. Telnov. Computational Fluid Dynamics Airflow Modelling of the CASA – Crew Alternative Sleeping Area of the ISS / In: Proc. of the 51st International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 10-14, 2022, Saint Paul, Minnesota. 2022. 10 p. (скачать)
 Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Evgueni M. Smirnov, Denis S. Telnov. Numerical Modeling of Node 2 Rackbay Crew Quarters Exhausts and Intakes Airflow Interaction / In: Proc. of the 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 12-14 July 2021, Virtual Event. 2021. 9 p. (скачать)
Ivanov N.G., Smirnov E.M., Son C.H., Telnov D.S. CFD Evaluation of Directional Variation Effects of the Air Supply Diffuser for the International Space Station Cabin Atmosphere / E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 111, 01034. 2019. 6 p. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201911101034 (скачать)
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Evgueni M. Smirnov, Denis S. Telnov. Numerical simulation of toilet system air flow characteristics in the International Space Station / In: Proc. of the 49th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 7-11, 2019, Boston, Massachusetts. 2019. 16 p. (скачать)
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Denis S. Telnov, Evgueni M. Smirnov CFD Study of Airflow Characteristics in the U.S. Laboratory and Node 2 with IMV Bypass Reconfiguration / In: Proc. of the 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 8-12, 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2018. 10 p. (скачать)
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Denis S. Telnov, Evgueni M. Smirnov CFD-Based Evaluation of Inlet Diffuser Cluttering Effects on the International Space Station Cabin Atmosphere / In: Proc. of the 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 8-12, 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2018. 8 p. (скачать)
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Denis S. Telnov, Evgueni M. Smirnov. Numerical Study of Ammonia Leak Propagation Characteristics in Node 2 / In: Proc. of the 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 16-20, 2017, Charleston, South Carolina. 2016. 11 p. (скачать)
Son Chang H., Ivanov Nikolay G., Telnov Denis S., Smirnov Evgueni M. CFD Modeling of Oxygen Generation System Operation Effect on the Rack Air Composition / In: Proc. of the 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 10-14, 2016, Vienna, Austria. 2016. 13 p. (скачать)
Son Chang H., Ivanov Nikolay G., Telnov Denis S., Smirnov Evgueni M. Numerical Modeling of a Rack Ventilation Characteristics for the International Space Station on Orbit Operation / In: Proc. of the 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 12-16, 2015, Bellevue, Washington, USA. 2015. pp. 240-245.
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Denis S. Telnov, Evgueni M. Smirnov CFD Modeling of Water Mist Portable Fire Extinguisher Discharge Characteristics in the International Space Station / In: Proc. of the 44th International Conference on Environmental Systems. July 13-17, 2014, Tucson, Arizona, USA. - 2014. - P.871-880.
Chang H. Son, Nikolay G. Ivanov, Denis S. Telnov, Evgueni M. Smirnov. CFD Modeling of Water Droplet Transport for ISS Hygiene Activity Application / AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2013-3456. 2013. 8 p. (DOI: 10.2514/6.2013-3456).
Son C.H., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S., Smirnov E.M. Numerical Study of Ammonia Leak and Dispersion in the International Space Station / AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2012-3582. 2012. pp. 392-401.
Son C.H., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S., Smirnov E.M. CFD Ventilation Study for the Human Powered Centrifuge at the International Space Station / AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2012-3583. 2012. pp.761-769.
Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S., Smirnov E.M., Son C.H. Propagation of CO2 field after fire extinguisher discharge: a numerical study // AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2011-5078. 2011. 8 pp.
Son C.H., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S., Smirnov E.M. Integrated ventilation modeling for crew quarter airflow // AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2011-5079. 2011. 11 pp.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. CFD modeling of International Space Station and visiting spacecraft ventilation: evaluation of design solutions for complex on-orbit operations / In: Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (Roomvent 2011), June 19-22, 2011, Trondheim, Norway. 8 p. (скачать)
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. CFD analysis for oxygen concentration during respiratory support pack operation // AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2010-6208. 2010. 9 pp.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. CFD analysis of node 1 ventilation and carbon dioxide transport for the maximum stowage configuration // AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2010-6207. 2010. 9 pp.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. International Space Station node 3 CFD ventilation modeling for early ingress and nominal operation // AIAA Technical Paper AIAA 2010-6170. 2010. 10 pp.
Son C.H., Dunaway B.R., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Analysis of convective heat transfer in the orbiter middeck for the shuttle rescue mission // SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2550. 2009. 6 pp.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. CFD study of ventilation and carbon dioxide transport for iss node 2 and attached modules // SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2549. 2009. 6 pp.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. CFD-based procedure for evaluation of ventilation of a suddenly-opened closeout space and its application to the International Space Station // SAE 2008 Transactions. SAE Int. J. Aerosp. 1(1). 2009. P.254-260.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Computational Fluid Dynamics airflow analysis for the waste and hygiene compartment in the International Space Station // SAE 2008 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. 2009. SAE Int. J. Aerosp. 1(1). 2009. P.247-253.
Son, Ch.H., Ivanov, N.G., Smirnov, E.M., Telnov, D.S. CFD study of ventilation and carbon dioxide concentration gradients for the International Space Station living quarters / In: Proc of the 11th ROOMVENT Conference, May 24-27, 2009, Busan, Korea. P.1267-1274.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. A CFD-based procedure for evaluation of ventilation of a suddenly-opened closeout space and its application to the International Space Station // SAE Technical Paper 2008-01-2058. 2008. 7 pp.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis for the waste and hygiene compartment in the International Space Station // SAE Technical Paper 2008-01-2057. 2008. 7 pp.
Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S., Son C.H. CFD modeling of cabin air ventilation in the International Space Station: a comparison of RANS and LES data with test measurements for the Columbus Module // Int. J. of Ventilation. - 2006. - Vol. 5, N 2. - P.219-228.
Son C., Aksamentov V., Smirnov E., Ivanov N., Telnov D. CFD modeling for ventilation: a method for Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) data correlation / In: Proc of the 17th Air-conditioning and Ventilation Conference 2006, May 17-19, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. P.281-286.
Son C.H., Dunaway B.R., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Analysis of Carbon dioxide concentration in the shuttle orbiter middeck for the Launch on Need (LON) мission // SAE 2005 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. 2006. P.112-117.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Node 1 with advanced resistive exercise device Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling // SAE 2005 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. 2006. P.106-111.
Son C.H., Turner E.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Integrated Computational Fluid Dynamics сarbon dioxide concentration study for the International Space Station // SAE 2005 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. 2006. P.89-94.
Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S., Son C.H., Aksamentov V.K. Computational Fluid Dynamics study of air flow characteristics in the Columbus module // SAE 2004 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. 2005. P.1155-1163.
Son C.H., Dunaway B.R., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Analysis of Carbon dioxide concentration in the shuttle orbiter middeck for the Launch on Need (LON) Mission. // SAE 2005 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. P.112-117.
Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Node 1 with advanced resistive exercise device Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling // SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-2798. 2005. 6 pp.
Son C.H., Turner E.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Integrated Computational Fluid Dynamics carbon dioxide concentration study for the International Space Station // SAE 2005 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. P.89-94.
Son C.H., Turner E.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Integrated Computational Fluid Dynamics carbon dioxide concentration study for the International Space Station // SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-2795. 2005. 6 pp.
Turner E.H., Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Air circulation and carbon dioxide concentration study of International Space Station Node 2 with Attached Modules // SAE 2004 Transactions. Journal of Aerospace. 2005. P.1150-1154.
Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S., Son C.H., Aksamentov V.K. Computational Fluid Dynamics study of air flow characteristics in the Columbus module // SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-2500. 2004. 8 pp.
Turner E.H., Son C.H., Smirnov E.M., Ivanov N.G., Telnov D.S. Air circulation and carbon dioxide concentration study of International Space Station Node 2 with Attached Modules // SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-2498. 2004. 5 pp.
Ivanov N.G., Ris V.V., Smirnov E.M., Telnov D.S Numerical simulation of endwall heat transfer in a transonic turbine cascade / Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow. The 12th International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies, Budapest, 2003. pp. 1121-1128.
Ivanov N.G., Ris V.V., Smirnov E.M., Telnov D.S. Numerical simulation of endwall heat transfer in a transonic turbine cascade / In: Proc. of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF'03). The 12th International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies. Budapest, Hungary, 2003. P.1121-1128.
Иванов Н.Г., Николаев М.А., Тельнов Д.С. Численное моделирование трехмерного течения и теплообмена в трансзвуковой турбинной решетке на основе модели турбулентности Спаларта-Аллмараса /Труды XIV школы-семинара молодых ученых и специалистов под руководством акад. РАН А.И. Леонтьева "Проблемы газодинамики и тепломассообмена в энергетических установках". Том 2. - Москва: Издательство МЭИ, 2003. -с.70-73.